SikogSolar 3500Wp – Solar Energy

Zonnepanelen Sikog Solar

Today it has been exactly 8 years ago since 14 solar panels of 250Wp each were installed on my my roof, together with a Growatt 3600-MTL inverter. The total capacity of 3500Wp has produced in all these years a whopping 30,635kWh! The full details of the “SikogSolar” production plant are made available on the PVoutput platform.

Since the early days I have been searching for a solution to upload this data into PVoutput. As no complete solution was available, I decided to develop, document and make available one of my own. This was published on the Energy Community of Vereniging Eigen Huis for years and visited over 22,000 times, until the community was taken down unexpectedly. Recently I have made the code available again in GitHub project: growatt-to-pvoutput